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The Opioid Crisis: Overdoses Continue Increasing in the US

CDC reports opioid overdoses rise 33 percent in US over 14-month timeframe as published in the Guardian. A few states stood out as clear losers in the opioid battle with Wisconsin and Delaware more than… Read More

Why People Are Afraid To Admit They Are Recovering Addicts and Why They Shouldn’t

Why the Fears Exist Some recovering addicts are afraid to say that they are in recovery for alcohol or drug addiction. These fears can come into fruition for a variety of reasons; some of them… Read More

Are Females More Sensitive Than Males to the Effects of Stimulant Drugs?

With the discussion between men and women always circling around roles in our societal makeup, some former addicts and healthcare researchers are discovering something interesting: Women seem to have a higher response to stimulants. For… Read More