Most Common Signs of Cocaine Use

How to Spot a Cocaine Addiction Before It’s Too Late

A cocaine addiction is a slippery slope that leads to financial problems, behavioral issues, heart conditions, and sometimes even death. If you have suspicions that a friend or a family member may be using the drug, there are tell-tale signs that you can be on the lookout for. Remember, sooner is far better than later when it comes to recognizing that a loved one has this type of harmful addiction. But if you can get ahead of the problem by seeing the signs early on, you can help the person seek recovery and nip the addiction in the bud.

When someone is a regular user of cocaine, several red flags are often visible in the person’s physical traits. The following is a list of indicators to look for in regards to the appearance of someone you suspect is addicted to the destructive stimulant:

Reddish nose:

  • Reddish nose: Because of the constant exposure to a foreign substance that the nose was not designed to snort, redness and swelling can appear on the outer portions of the nostrils of a frequent user of cocaine.

Runny nose:

  • Runny nose: People with cocaine addictions will often sniff as if they have a cold as they try to keep nasal mucus from leaking out of their nose. This is the nose’s way of trying to flush out the foreign substance.

Wide eyes:

  • Wide eyes: Cocaine is a stimulant that causes users to look “amped up” or “speedy.” These effects are usually visible in the eyes because the pupils become dilated and the eyelids seem stuck in a wide-open position.

Lost weight:

  • Lost weight: Metabolisms rise with increased cocaine use. Also, users often substitute eating with drug use.

In addition to physical characteristics, there are many signs of cocaine use that you can spot by examining the person’s lifestyle changes and material evidence inside that person’s dwelling. This is a list of some of these types of signs and an explanation of exactly what to look for with each one:

Quick temper:

  • Quick temper: Cocaine users typically develop a short fuse due to being overly stimulated mentally and because of the stress they suffer from constantly seeking out their next fix.

Excessive fidgeting:

  • Excessive fidgeting: As a stimulant, cocaine leads users to feel energy surges, and they frequently move different body parts in order to release the energy.

Small baggies:

  • Small baggies: Normally, dealers distribute cocaine in jewelry-sized plastic bags or in pieces of plastic torn off of a large bag.

Cut straws:

  • Cut straws: The most common way that users snort cocaine is with straws that are cut down to an inch or two.

If you have noticed some of these indicators but are still not entirely sure that a loved one is using cocaine, you might have to resort to either drug testing or trying to ask the person for an honest answer. Hopefully, these lists of signs to look for helps you to get an idea of the extent of the addiction so that you can decide what steps are necessary to take to make sure that your loved one receives the proper help.

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