How Attending Rehab Can Improve Your Social Life, Finances, Mental Health and Confidence

The decision to go to rehab is not easy. If you are struggling with alcohol or drug addiction and have taken that crucial step, you are not alone. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration reported that “almost 8 million American adults battled both a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder…” Although rehab has its pros and cons, here are some surprising benefits.

New Friends and Support of Sobriety

Before rehab, you probably spent your time with other people who also abused alcohol or drugs. In other words, you had people, enablers, who helped you maintain your habit.

In rehab, you will learn to find a new group of friends who will support your sobriety. This is a major mindset change, but it is crucial. It’s impossible to stop abusing substances with people who are still using.

The good news is that you are in total control. In Rehab, your doctor, counselor, instructors and social worker will give you the tools you need to win the fight. Strategies like cognitive behavioral therapy, a psychological method that can help you monitor your thoughts and make rational choices, can help. Also, recognizing triggers, using prescribed medication and going to aftercare treatment are tools needed for recovery.

Financial Management

Previously, a friend or family member managed your money. However, financial management will be your responsibility at some point after treatment. The process can be gradual.

For example, you can work with someone in your household to make a list of expenses, sources of income and a payment plan. Maybe you could consider a part-time job to supplement your income.

These choices demonstrate initiative. A desire to take control of your finances is a sign of maturity.

Improved Mental Clarity

The World Health Organization said, “Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential…can cope with the normal stresses of life…” Contributing to the community is also a major factor. An effective treatment program educates you about good mental health so that you can understand your unique set of circumstances.

Strong Self-Esteem

After you have completed rehab treatment, your team of doctors and specialists will have at least two lists. The first checklist of items will document the activities you completed as part of your in-house treatment program.

The second list is a detailed plan of action for your departure from the facility. The goal is to provide a seamless transition.

Your team will meet with you and your family members to discuss a strategy to maintain your recovery. This list will include:

– Prescription medication

– Doctor’s information to follow up

– Aftercare treatment plan

– Local support groups

– Telephone to call for a sponsor

– Phone and address for therapist

– Daily activities

This kind of realistic strategy is highly effective. A roadmap provides a routine. Structure removes guesswork and questions. Focus creates calm and stability instills confidence.

Entering rehab treatment requires courage, a desire to change and and a willingness to learn new things. It is a commitment. However, with each passing day you will realize that the long-term benefits outweigh the temporary adjustments.

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